Angelica dahurica

Angelica dahurica

Common Name  Amaranth, Amaranthus, Chuanzhi, Angelica dahurica, White tadpole, Pogocysts

Family Name  Apiaceae

Parts Used  Roots

Herbal Actions   Expellant, analgesic, dehumidifier

Health Benefits  Expelling wind and relieving surface, dispersing cold and relieving pain, dehumidifying and clearing the orifices, reducing swelling and draining pus

What are the Benefits of Angelica dahurica?

The traditional Chinese medicine Angelica dahurica is mostly made of the roots of Angelica dahurica and Angelica dahurica. It has a fragrant, pungent and warm nature. It has the effects of dispelling wind and relieving the surface, dispelling cold and relieving pain, dehumidifying and relieving pain, reducing swelling and draining pus. Clinically, it is often used to treat colds, nasal congestion, headaches, abdominal distension, loss of appetite, breast lobular hyperplasia, breast nodules, breast infections, etc. It is worth mentioning that Angelica dahurica has been regarded as a beauty product in the past. It can be ground into powder and applied externally. It can improve human microcirculation, promote skin metabolism, eliminate excessive accumulation of pigment in tissues, remove facial spots and scars, and treat skin blisters. Diseases such as scabies.

Historical Use of Angelica dahurica

Angelica dahurica: An Overview

Angelica dahurica, commonly known as Chinese angelica, is a perennial plant native to East Asia. It belongs to the Apiaceae family, a group known for its aromatic herbs.

The plant's medicinal value lies primarily in its roots. These roots, characterized by a pungent aroma and bitter taste, are harvested for their therapeutic properties.

Historical texts and oral traditions have documented its use for centuries. It has been employed to treat a variety of ailments, from headaches to skin disorders.

Today, Angelica dahurica continues to be a significant component in traditional and modern herbal medicine practices.

Traditional Medicinal Uses of Angelica dahurica

The traditional uses of Angelica dahurica are diverse and extensive. Its roots, known as Bai Zhi in Chinese, have been used to balance 'cold' ailments in the body.

This concept is rooted in the traditional Chinese medicine theory of Yin and Yang. Angelica dahurica, classified as a 'warm' herb, is believed to restore balance.

Historical records cite its use for headaches, nasal congestion, and toothache. It has also been used to promote blood circulation and treat skin disorders.

Often, the herb is used in conjunction with other plants. This forms complex herbal formulations, a common practice in traditional medicine.

Modern research has begun to explore these traditional uses. Studies are investigating its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and analgesic effects.

The Role in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine, Angelica dahurica is a staple. Its warming properties are used to counteract 'cold' ailments, a concept central to this medical system.

The herb is often included in herbal formulations. These formulations aim to restore balance and harmony in the body.

Historical texts like the "Shennong Bencao Jing" have referenced its use. This highlights its longstanding significance in this medical tradition.

Ethnobotanical Significance Across Cultures

The use of Angelica dahurica extends beyond China. It has found a place in Korean and Japanese herbal practices as well.

Ethnobotanical studies have documented its use in various cultural healing rituals. This underscores its global significance in traditional medicine.

The herb's role in these diverse cultures provides a rich tapestry of traditional knowledge. This knowledge continues to inform modern herbal medicine practices.

Botanical Description & Habitat

The common Angelica dahurica plant is 4 meters high, with thick stems and red spots; the inflorescence is white, with a diameter of 0.5 meters; it has been cultivated as an ornamental plant in various places.

Distributed in Northeast China and North China, it grows in areas with an altitude of 200 meters to 1,500 meters. It usually grows under forests, forest edges, streams, shrubs and valley grasslands. About 60 species. It is a perennial herb widely distributed in northern temperate zones and tropical mountainous areas.

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